Signs Your Child May Need a Tooth Extraction
Tooth extraction might sound like a painful and tedious process and something that perhaps you and your kid would want to avoid. But there are times when a tooth extraction simply becomes unavoidable. Fret not, you can visit a good Children’s Dentistry in Carlsbad that are trained to work with kids and make this process easier for yourself and your kid. Signs Your Child Requires Tooth Extraction Here are a few reasons why your child may need a tooth extraction: Excessive Decay If the tooth has decayed extensively and it is impossible to save then your dentist might recommend extracting it. Decay results from eating sugary and acidic food without any limit. Usually, excessive decay is accompanied by unbearable pain, bad breath and discolouration. There could be a rise in sensitivity levels towards cold and hot foods. Depending on the amount of decay a Carlsbad pediatric dentist might recommend other procedures but if the majority of the tooth has de...