What are Gum Diseases in Kids and How to Prevent It?

Gum diseases are referred to as gingivitis. It causes infection in gums, tissues and bones that support the teeth. Gum diseases are common among kids who neglect their oral health and don’t brush or floss regularly. If you are among those who take kids regularly to a kids dentist in Carlsbad , such problems can be detected and treated early on. If not, gum diseases can aggravate and go on to create serious troubles in the future. What C auses G ingivitis? Plaque builds up in your child’s teeth and slowly starts affecting the teeth as well as gums. The bacteria infect the gums and you will notice that your kids have red and swollen gums that bleed after brushing or flossing. The absence of pain should not motivate you to delay visit to your pediatric dental specialist in Carlsbad . While your kids may not complain of pain in the initial stages, it is your duty to take them immediately to a dentist the moment you notice unusually red gums. Gingivitis, if untreated, snowba...