What are the Signs of a Healthy Bite?
First things first, you might be wondering what exactly does a bite mean? In the world of dentistry, a bite refers to the way your lower and upper jaw come together. The alignment of the bite is also referred to as an ‘occlusion.’ A healthy bite can be defined as the bite where upper teeth fit slightly over the lower teeth and the points of the molars fit the grooves of the opposite molar. If your jaw lines up like this, you probably have a healthy bite. If not, then you might want to consider visiting a Carlsbad Orthodontist . A healthy bite is crucial for optimum functioning of the teeth. If your bite is misaligned, then it can pressurize a certain tooth and wear them down. A healthy bite is also important for chewing, breathing, facial symmetry, digestion and more. Whether you are a parent worried about your child’s bite or an adult who is simply concerned about whether they have a healthy bite, you can make an appointment with an Orthodontist in Carlsbad . After a check-u...